South Tyrolean

As territorial autonomy, the model also offers comprehensive possibilities for self-government and self-organisation, irrespective of language group. But what exactly does that mean?

L’autonomia dell’Alto Adige è oggi riconosciuta a livello mondiale come un esempio riuscito di risoluzione pacifica dei conflitti etnici. La storia di questa terra ci mostra come il suo status quo autonomo sia tutt’altro che scontato e quanto per decenni abbia dovuto essere duramente combattuto e difeso. Per comprendere l’Alto Adige è necessario tenere sempre in considerazione anche il suo sviluppo nel tempo.


Here a few

people have their say – selected from among the very many who might have something to say about autonomy. Some are from families that have lived here for generations, while others arrived later. And everyone is speaking their own language. This, too, is autonomy.


Autonomy tells its story

An installation where architecture, culture and history dialogue together with present and future generations.

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What does it mean to you
the autonomy of South Tyrol?

Below is a selection of user responses to this question.
All approved comments are shown here.

Christine Klauser

„Tradition ist nicht die Anbetung der Asche, sondern die Weitergabe des Feuers.“ Dieses Zitat von Jean Jaurès beinhaltet für mich den Wert der Autonomie überhaupt. Autonomie gibt den Menschen die Möglichkeit das Feuer (Tradition, Sprache, Kultur) nicht untergehen zu...

Kathrin Werth

Die Südtiroler Autonomie bedeutet für mich Schutz von Sprache und Kultur und dadurch gegenseitige Anerkennung auf Augenhöhe, aber auch der Wille Eigenverantwortung zu übernehmen für die gemeinsame Gestaltung des Landes.


Dank der Autonomie können wir unsere Sprache verwenden und die alten Namen der Orte beibehalten, wie einen Schatz, der schützt und erzählt, wer wir sind. Und es ermöglicht uns auch, bei der Verwaltung unseres schönen Gebiets zu helfen. Aber es ist ein Schatz, den wir weiter pflegen und wachsen lassen müssen.


L’autonomia è come un superpotere che abbiamo in Alto Adige da oltre 50 anni. Però, con tante cose che cambiano e con l’Europa che fa parte della nostra vita, forse abbiamo bisogno di aggiornare questo superpotere.

Sara Alberti

L’autonomia implica impegno, costanza, professionalità e passione. I quattro elementi sembrano essere presenti e per questo mi ritengo fortunata d’essere nata e vissuta in Alto Adige (Bolzano), dove tuttora risiedo e lavoro.

Margit Malfertheiner

Autonomie bedeutet für mich  in erster Linie meine Muttersprache offiziell sprechen und schreiben zu dürfen. Auch die Verwendung der alten Ortschafts- und Flurnamen ist mir wichtig und sollte über unsere Autonomie weitergetragen werden.


L’autonomia dell’Alto Adige è importante per garantire i diritti culturali e linguistici delle persone che vivono nella regione, promuovendo un senso di appartenenza e preservando la loro identità.

Alder Casadei

„Lo statuto di Autonomia è stato ed è fondamentale. Ma, dopo oltre 50 anni, le condizioni socio-demografiche sono notevolmente cambiate. E nel frattempo é arrivata l‘Unione Europea. Serve un lifting.“


L’autonomia ci permette di tenere vive le tradizioni, la nostra lingua e la nostra cultura, e ci chiede di essere impegnati, costanti e appassionati.

What do you think
about autonomy?

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Silvius Magnago
Who was he?

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Se un piccolo territorio pensa di poter modificare facilmente i confini di Stato, nutre vane speranze. Se opta per la violenza, sarà sempre destinato a perdere. Guidato da questi principi, Silvius Magnago ha visto in un’autonomia all’interno dello Stato italiano la soluzione migliore per l’Alto Adige e l’ha raggiunta attraverso lunghe trattative con il governo di Roma. Ma chi era questo “padre dell’autonomia”?

The road
to autonomy

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1919 –

Has South Tyrol achieved the best possible results with its autonomy? Or could more have been obtained? What is certain is that the road to autonomy has been long, often with higher interests in play, with setbacks and even suffering. That the road would lead to peace was far from self-evident.


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For different groups to be able to live happily together, no one should feel at a disadvantage. Since 1976 South Tyrolean autonomy has had a mechanism to address this issue: ethnic proportionality. Public sector jobs, many political posts and part of the provincial budget are assigned in proportion to the size of the three language groups.


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As official languages, German and Italian are treated as equals throughout South Tyrol, with Ladin also having this status in the Ladin-speaking areas. Autonomy also guarantees that each of these language groups has its own school system. Multilingualism is still a challenge for many people.


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What would autonomy be worth without the necessary funds or the freedom to use it according to your own criteria? The Province finances numerous sectors with the 90 % of tax revenues that it retains. For some of these it has primary legislative responsibilities; others are secondary.


Who “actually”
are we?

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The history of this land means that identity is a commonly used term in South Tyrol. Identity protects, strengthens – yet at the same time restricts. After all, are all of us not more than just one land, one language group, one cultural affiliation? To paraphrase the German philosopher Richard David Precht: Who are you – and if so, how many?


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In a complex world, autonomy is bound to be limited. No one, no country or state, exists on its own – it forms part of a larger whole.

What now?

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Autonomy means many things and affects far more than just language groups, or politics and administration. There also exists autonomy for indi­viduals with their stories and attitudes, or autonomy in dealing with the larger issues of our small world, such as the environment. For the future we will have a great many questions to answer.